- You are His child, Most precious in His Sight!
- Through reliance on His Son, your inadequacy is transformed into sufficiency!
- If you will let go of your own will and trust in His, He will literally work miracles through you!
My final post for this Week-Long Walk will be tomorrow morning. Through 2011, I will be posting once a week... I am thinking on Sunday mornings. I invite you to become a follower so that you can receive email alerts each time I post. Once again, thank you for your companionship. It truly warms my heart!
Do You Hear What I Hear?
The Old Testament prophet, Amos, teaches:
Knowing that the Father loves His children who live on the earth today with the same fervor as those who lived in the times of Abraham, Elijah and Amos... it makes sense to me that He would continue to communicate with and guide us through these perilous, last days. It is my testimony that God, being the same yesterday, today and forever, speaks to His children in present times, the same way that He always has. It is also my testimony that each of His children are provided the means to have this truth confirmed in their own mind and heart. Each of us have access to the power of the Holy Ghost as a convincing witness of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am grateful to be led by His prophet today, President Thomas S. Monson. As I listen to Him warn, guide and counsel, I hear the voice of my Father leading me in paths of truth and safety.
Christ warns us to beware of false prophets. He tells us exactly how we can detect them. Remember, He has laid out His pattern in plainness so that those who truly seek Him can find Him. He teaches:
For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit;
Do You Hear What I Hear?
The Old Testament prophet, Amos, teaches:
Surely the Lord God will do nothing,
but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
Amos 3:7
but fellow citizens with the saints, and the household of God;
And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone
but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
Amos 3:7
In Ephesians 2:19-20 Paul declares:
Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and the household of God;
And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone
Paul further teaches:
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever Hebrews 13:8
Today Lord, I ask thee to help me
to hear and recognize thy voice!
to hear and recognize thy voice!
I love that God is a God of consistency! He has established His pattern and doesn't waiver from it. As I study the Bible, I see a clear method which he has laid out. He wants for those who seek Him to know how to find Him. This is the very reason He has kept and preserved His word since the Creation.
Knowing that the Father loves His children who live on the earth today with the same fervor as those who lived in the times of Abraham, Elijah and Amos... it makes sense to me that He would continue to communicate with and guide us through these perilous, last days. It is my testimony that God, being the same yesterday, today and forever, speaks to His children in present times, the same way that He always has. It is also my testimony that each of His children are provided the means to have this truth confirmed in their own mind and heart. Each of us have access to the power of the Holy Ghost as a convincing witness of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am grateful to be led by His prophet today, President Thomas S. Monson. As I listen to Him warn, guide and counsel, I hear the voice of my Father leading me in paths of truth and safety.
Christ warns us to beware of false prophets. He tells us exactly how we can detect them. Remember, He has laid out His pattern in plainness so that those who truly seek Him can find Him. He teaches:
For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit;
neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
For every tree is known by his own fruit.
Luke 6:44-45
I invite you to study out the prophets of the Latter-days. Judge for yourself if they bear the fruits of the Spirit.(see Galatians 5:22-23) Prayerfully seek confirmation through the power of the Holy Ghost with real intent to act in accordance with the answer you receive. I testify that the gifts which I have received in my own life as I have embraced the words of all of the prophets of God, are indeed the promised fruits of the Spirit. My soul has literally been filled to overflowing with, love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.
I am so blessed to hear the voice of my Father clearly and lovingly guiding me through my earthly journey... home to Him. To you I ask... "Do You Hear What I Hear?".
I am so blessed to hear the voice of my Father clearly and lovingly guiding me through my earthly journey... home to Him. To you I ask... "Do You Hear What I Hear?".
Thank you for the reminder that He is speaking always through not only his servants, but the Holy Ghost. You reminded me to silence my thoughts as well as my voice to be able to hear Him fully and completely.