"There is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah"
2 Nephi 2:8 (The Book of Mormon)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A New Commandment

Let's continue on with the story of the last hours of the Savior's life.  Picking up where we left off in the post "Is it I?" (Sept.18), let's take a further look at lessons from the Last Supper.  After Judas left to complete his betrayal, the Savior gave further instruction to the remaining 11 disciples.

"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."
John: 13:34-35

You will recall with me that the commandment to love had been given thousands of years earlier.

"...thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself..."
Leviticus 19:18

What then is it that distinguishes the "new commandment" from the one that was already on the books?  How is loving as the Savior loves, different from how we love ourselves?  How does that type of love set true disciples of Christ apart from others?  

I feel impressed to open this post up to you!  What do you think?  Please, be brave and share a comment or two with us!  I am really looking forward to reading your thoughts and insights!


  1. A disciple is one who loves thy neighbor with a love patterned after the love of Jesus. A disciple would make every effort to get to know their neighbor and take advantage of occasions to encourage and grow closer to them. To live and become like the teacher.

    Being a disciple of Christ means more than just a casual church member, it requires commitment especially when it comes to the teachings of Christ and to love others. Jesus must be the King in our lives and nothing can take precedence over that. It means setting an example for others that make others want to follow the example.

    Trying to live godly lives in an ungodly world is challenging but a disciple perseveres and shares the peace and love that strengthens us by knowing Jesus is with us always.

    I don't think it's that hard to be a disciple of Jesus in one's heart. Following the golden rule, following the commandments, providing service, and being an example for others to follow is what Jesus would be proud of us for.

  2. Good question, Carey! I never considered the word "new" in this scripture. As I've pondered that, I think that maybe this was a NEW commandment because the disciples were not familiar with the love of their Savior prior to His being on the earth with them. Before He was on the earth, the deepest love the disciples knew of was the love of others & self. It seems that the OLD commandment, being limited to loving others as ourselves, still had conditions & human limitations. They now knew the Savior & the deep love He has for His children. The Savior's love is pure & unconditional, taking it to a whole NEW level!

  3. Beautiful thoughts ladies:) Thank you SO much for your insight and your willingness to share. I LOVE it!!!
